What is in Pocket Wizard’s d100 Pockets?!

Pocket Wizard is All Pockets! What’s in Pocket Wizard’s Pockets?

  1. String
    1. Twine
    2. Thread
    3. Yarn
    4. Cord
    5. Musical
    6. Rope
      1. Silk
      2. Hemp
      3. Spiderweb
      4. Bedsheets
      5. Hair
      6. Synthetic
  2. Comb
    1.  Switchblade
    2. Wide-toothed, Sandalwood
    3. Beard, Whalebone
    4. Absolutely Filthy & Gunked-up
    5. One of those gimmicky massage combs that don’t work
    6. That desert comb from Space Balls
  3. Keys
    1. To a local dungeon
    2. To the Wizard’s vehicle
    3. To a clockwork contraption
    4. To The City
    5. Piano
    6. The Stygian Library
  4. Quill and small notebook
    1. Names and addresses of other spellcasters
    2. Names and addresses of other spellcasters that have been conspicuously crossed out
    3. Doodles of the wizard’s OC—do not steal!
    4. Phone numbers of various demons and elder beings
    5. Material component shopping list
    6. Blueprints for a magic wand railgun
  5. Makeup Kit
    1. Spirit glue for getting those eyebrows and beard to stick
    2. For touch ups on a night out
    3. For switching into drag persona
    4. Enchanted—actually molds and transforms one’s face 
    5. Just used for the handy fold out mirror
    6. Summons a fairy named Giorgio who does the full mani/pedi and salon treatment. Tip well or else. 
  6. Fire Making
    1. Flint/Steele
    2. Matches
    3. Bowdrill and tender
    4. Fire Syringe
    5. A modern zippo lighter
    6. Bat Guano (For Fireball)
  7. Caltrops
    1.  Classic Jack-shaped
    2. Barbed
    3. Board of crow’s feet
    4. Explosive
    5. Anti-tank hedgehogs
    6. Actually just a bunch of d4s (and a copy of Caltrop Core)
  8. Chalk
    1. Plain
    2. Children’s rainbow set
    3. That really smooth and coveted Japanese brand
    4. Climbing chalk
    5. Powdered chalk
    6. Silver infused (for quick anti-demon circles)
  9. Crowbar
    1. T-Head
    2. Nail Puller
    3. Aligning Bar
    4. Double Claw
    5. Adjustable
    6. Full of drunk, angry crows
  10. Hammer
    1. Rubber Mallet
    2. Sledgehammer
    3. Copper Raising Hammer
    4. Physician’s Reflex Hammer
    5. Dulcimer Hammer
    6. Jack
  11. Light Source
    1. Candle
    2. Enclosed Lantern
    3. Oil Lamp (1% chance of containing a Jinn)
    4. Torch
    5. Modern Flashlight
    6. Flashbang Grenade
  12. Pole
    1. Fishing
    2. 10’
    3. Collapsible
    4. Vaulting
    5. Immovable
    6. Compliant
  13. Rations
    1. Hardtack
    2. Pemmican 
    3. Iron Rations
    4. Some delicious regional packed lunch rations
    6. Modern MRE
  14. Magnifying Glass
    1. Only makes the user’s eye look bigger.
    2. Actually an electron microscope.
    3. Enlarges whatever is looked at.
    4. Casts Scorching Ray in bright sunlight.
    5. Makes trails glow faintly
    6. Let’s you see all the bacteria covering everything
  15. Spyglass
    1. Eyepiece coated in shoe polish.
    2. Telescopes out to dozens of yards long.
    3. Folds space instead of magnifying anything.
    4. … attached to a sniper rifle.
    5. Literally. It animates on tiny limbs and runs off to spy for them.
    6. Only shows things from an overlapping plane of existence.
      1. The Astral Pond
      2. Positive Vibes Plane
      3. Negative Vibes Plane
      4. The Acid Trip Dimension
      5. The Shadow Realm, Yugi-Boy
      6. The Elemental Plane of…
        1. Smog
        2. Candy
        3. Plastic
        4. Rheum
        5. Booze
        6. MEAT
  16. Map
    1. Whenever consulted it shows the local region within a day’s journey of the reader
    2. It is a pirate’s treasure map complete with riddles and an “X”
    3. A random dungeon
    4. A very inaccurate world map with “Here Be Dragons” written over “uncharted” lands
    5. A very accurate world map, a with a strong enough magnifying glass you can see the top of your own head 
    6. A hastily scribbled map on a napkin, it’s hard to make heads or tails of it.
  17. Compass
    1. It points to Magnetic North
    2. It points to True North
    3. It points towards your greatest need
    4. It points towards your greatest desire
    5. It points towards the place that most needs your help
    6. It points to the place furthest from life and light
  18. Clock
    1. Wrist mounted sundial
    2. Complex water clock contraction
    3. Digital Mickey Mouse wristwatch
    4. A variety of sandglasses measuring from a second up to a millennium.
    5. A tiny imp trapped inside of a box that yells the time when consulted
    6. An entire grandfather clock
  19. Un/Holy Symbol
    1. Crusted with dried blood
    2. Glows in the presence of believers
    3. Shouts vitriol in the presence of heretics
    4. Is actually chocolate wrapped in foil
    5. Conspicuously dented
    6. Returns like a boomerang if thrown
  20. Clothing
    1. Spare Robes
    2. Something hideously unfashionable
    3. Something incredibly fashionable
    4. Disguise kits
    5. Standard Diving Dress
    6. A pressurized spacesuit
  21. A Book
    1. A Tantalizing Tome
    2. A Book of 1001 Knock Knock Jokes
    3. Pocket Translator: Common to R’lyehian
    4. Pocket Guide to Myconids 
    5. The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases
    6. Meti’s Sword Manual (Reach heaven by violence)
  22. Their Spellbook
    1. Filled with research for a new spell
    2. Stitched together from other spellbooks
    3. Conspicuously covered in anti-piracy watermarks
    4. Leaves and flowers pressed between the pages
    5. More Cool S doodles than spells
    6. Marginalia all about mundane hobbies
      1. Gardening
      2. Crocheting
      3. Birdwatching
      4. Geocaching
      5. Dorodango
      6. Underwater Basketweaving
  23. Something Bottled 
  24. Mundane Drugs
  25. Street Drugs
  26. Wizard Drugs
  27. Their Familiar 
  28. A weird Bug
  29. Something they took from a Troll’s stomach
  30. A Tiny Prince
  31. A Magic Sword
  32. A recent magical thrift store purchase
  33. An unsigned demonic contract
  34. Loot from The Future
  36. A full sized automaton
  37. A Dragon!
  38. A large curio cabinet filled with a vast array of collectables.
  39. A spring mounted boxing glove
    1. Spiked
    2. On Fire
    3. Spiked and on Fire
    4. Squeaks like a toy on impact
    5. Knocks the user back instead
    6. Seems to be sentient
  40. A coin purse in the shape of a frog
    1. It’s an actual dried frog
    2. It’s a living frog
    3. It is crocheted and has googly eyes
    4. It contains the wizards pills
    5. The coins are all in foreign currencies 
    6. Contains a single Occultum Coin
  41. A game
    1. Dice
    2. Cards
    3. Chess/Checkers/Backgammon board
    4. Entire boxed set for Thieves and Treasures
    5. All the equipment needed for a large field sport such as Football or Polo or Hockey
    6. A non-trademarked handheld gaming system
  42. A pile of Zines
    1. Minicomics
    2. Niche Musics Zines
    3. Fandom Zines
    4. TTRPG Zines
    5. Punk/Anarchist Zines
    6. Their very own first self produced zine complete with hand stapling
  43. Gemstones
    1. Semi-precious
      1. Peridot
      2. Garnet
      3. Lapis Lazuli
      4. Onyx
      5. Tourmaline
      6. Citrine
    2. Precious
      1. Ruby
      2. Sapphire
      3. Emerald
      4. Colorless Diamond
      5. Colored Diamond (Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow, Pink)
      6. Octarine Crystal
    3. Plastic fakes of the above
    4. Prone to floating around your head if released
    5. Contains the life force of would-be pickpockets
    6. Just a shiny rock they picked up
  44. A weapon
    1. Bladed
    2. Blunt
    3. Polearm
    4. Pre-Modern Ranged
      1. Sling
      2. Bow/Arrow
      3. Crossbow
      4. Musket
      5. Darts
      6. Tsar Cannon
    5. Explosive
      1. Greek Fire
      2. Simple Rockets
      3. Handcannon
      4. Caltrop Grenade
      5. Stick of TNT
      6. Just a huge barrel of gunpowder
    6. Modern
      1. QCQ Manual
      2. Shotgun
      3. Flamethrower
      4. Howitzer
      5. Gatling Gun
      6. Taser
      7. Futuristic
        1. Mono-atomic wire
        2. Particle Disintegrator Beam
        3. Satellite Cannon
        4. Beam Saber
        5. Mini-nuke launcher
        6. The Lazy Gun
  45. Communication Device
    1. Homing Pigeon
    2. Tiny and fast Homunculus
    3. A trapped wind
    4. Crystal Ball
    5. A pager
    6. A Nokia
  46. Repair Kit For
    1. Cloak/Hat/Pocket/Fabric 
    2. Spectacles
    3. Wands/Staves
    4. Walls/Ceilings/Structures
    5. Homunculi
    1. ORB
    2. PYRAMID
    3. MIRROR
    5. TORUS
  48. Manacles
    1. Steel
    2. Spiked
    3. Silvered/Enchanted for Demons/Spirits/Undead Etc
    4. Thumbcuffs
    5. With attached fetters
    6. Pink and Fuzzy
  49. An empty wrapper from
    1. A Sorcerer Snacks Mana-Bar
    2. A White Castle burger
    3. A Vegan Pasty
    4. A Wizard Wars TCG Booster Pack
    5. A Sea Monkey kit
    6. A Familiar Treat
  50. Mail
    1. Wizard College Loan Bills
    2. Hate mail from rival wizard
    3. Love letter from rival wizard
    4. Junk mail advert for Third Eye Surgery
    5. Their own Wanted Poster
    6. Fundraising for a local charity
  51. Pictures
    1. Of their many may nephews, nieces, and niblings
    2. Of their old adventuring party
    3. Of their familiar in various costumes
    4. Of their rival in a compromised situation
    5. Of their vacation through The Realm of Madness
    6. Selfies
  52. Candy
    1. After Dinner Mints (all melted together)
    2. Those little strawberries candies grandma kept in a little glass dish
    3. Caramel Cubes
    4. Root Beer Barrels
    5. Lemon Drops
    6. Humbugs
  53. Furniture
    1. A 6’ tall lamp
    2. A full length mirror
    3. A papasan chair
    4. Coat Rack (complete with coats and an umbrella)
    5. Dinner table complete with chairs, silverware, glassware, tablecloth etc.
    6. A potted plant
      1. Variegated Monstera
      2. Boobie Cactus
      3. String of Toads
      4. Pothos Cebu Blue
      5. Heart-Shaped Philodendron
      6. Mutant Giant Venus Flytrap
  54. Instrument
    1. Woodwind
      1. Picolo
      2. Flute
      3. Bagpipes
      4. Kazoo
      5. Panpipe
      6. Alphorn
    2. Brass
      1. Trumpet
      2. Tuba
      3. Trombone
      4. Saxaphone
      5. Vuvuzela
      6. Conu
    3. String
      1. Lute
      2. Harp
      3. Nyckelharpa
      4. Dulcimer
      5. Double Bass
      6. Two Necked Flying V Electric Guitar
    4. Percussion
      1. Kettledrums
      2. Gong
      3. Tambourine
      4. Handpans
      5. Marimba
      6. Full 360 degree drum kit
    5. Keyboard
      1. Piano
      2. Accordion
      3. Harpsichord
      4. Carillon
      5. Melodica
      6. Full sized baroque pipe organ
    6. Other
      1. Theremin
      2. Photoplayer
      3. Otamatone
      4. Keytar
      5. Glass Armonica
      6. DJ Set
  55. Moths
    1. Who proceed to eat all nearby clothing
    2. Who fly off to the moon, their true home
    3. Who fuse and grow a massive Moth Kaiju
    4. Who transform into Mothmen
    5. Who transform into Sexy Mothmen
    6. Who seek out the nearest fire and explode per Fireball when they make contact
  56. Improbably Heavy Object
    1. An Anvil
    2. An iron safe
    3. The Húsafell Stone
    4. An anchor
    5. A 16 ton weight
    6. A teaspoon of Neutron Star
  57. Item from the Acme Corporation Catalog
    1. Jet Powered Unicycle
    2. Giant Hitchhiker Thumb
    3. Tornado Seeds (Just add water)
    4. Invisible Paint
    5. Instant Road
    6. Giant rubber band
  58. Ring
    1. Generic Magic Ring (note to self make ring generator)
    2. Plastic ring from a 50 cents gumball machine
    3. A wedding band (still attached to a finger)
    4. A doughnut (it might be enchanted)
    5. Etsy polymer clay earrings
    6. Dark Lord’s ring waiting for a hero to deliver to a volcano 
  59. Button
    1. Just the sort that you need to fix your trousers
    2. Enchanted to lock whatever pocket that it holds closed
    3. A stamped election button for the mayoralty of a long vanished city
    4. Novelty fish shaped button for fastening their waterproof spare cloak
    5. Randomly says YES or NO when pressed, the wizard uses this to help with binary decisions.
    6. A white, four holed, big, round, thick button. Smells faintly of toad.
  60. A means of transport 
    1. A magic broom
    2. A Terrible Steed
    3. A bicycle
    4. A palanquin with four animated mannequins to carry it
    5. A portable portal
    6. A Leyland Cars Mini 1000 Mark IV
  61. Glasses
    1. Reading glasses
    2. Sunglasses
    3. Thick prescription glasses
    4. X-Ray Glasses
    5. Night vision Goggles
    6. Aviation Goggles
  62. Common Spell Materials 
    1. Eye of Newt
    2. Toe of Frog
    3. Wool of Bat
    4. Tongue of Dog
    5. A bone from a crossroads grave
    6. The last breath of another wizard
  63. Salt
    1. Iodized
    2. Blessed
    3. Of the Earth
    4. Gourmet
    5. Smelling
    6. “Bath”
  64. Look a DISTRACTION
    2. A surprise zombie!
    3. A fireworks display
    4. Entirely too many doves
    5. Same as above—but they explode after a few moments
    6. Look an idiot!
  65. There used to be something else but now there is d100 Goblins
  66. A trophy 
    1. For excellent in arithromancy
    2. Darwin Award. for evolving a kangaroo with a naturally occuring bag of holding pouch 
    3. For completion of “The 12 Steps towards fighting mana potion addiction”
    4. Former Guinness world record for most pockets—beaten by The Pouch, a sentient amalgam of pockets
    5. Participation award for Maniacal Laughter Contest
    6. For Wizard of the Year, probably stolen
  67. Wizard meds
    1. For blood pressure
    2. For ADHD, anxiety, depression, cholesterol, ulcers, incontinence, allergies…
    3. Clinical trial placebos
    4. To silence the voices of the spells in their head
    5. Anti-aging (doesn’t work)
    6. Erectile dysfunction
  68. A sick-looking skateboard
    1. Covered in vinyl stickers
    2. Rat Fink design
    3. Plays music from Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
    4. Has wings for sick airtime
    5. Invisible, except the wheels
    6. Jet Engine Attachments
  69. Contraceptive Device
    1. Lambskin
    2. Silphium
    3. Plans B-Z
    4. Wall of Force Scroll
    5. Spermicidal Nanobots
    6. Novelty Giant Sized Condom
  70. Magic Seeds
    1. instantly grows into a beanstalk reaching to Cloudcuckooland
    2. Grows into a majestic oak filled with chocolate making elves
    3. Feeds on blood to become a giant singing, flesh hungry flower
    4. For growing particularly potent marijuana 
    5. Grows into rare sapient pearwood 
    6. Eat and bathe for instant bubble bath 
  71. Lint
    1. Just plain old lint
    2. This bit has some old gum it in
    3. Ooh a paperclip 
    4. Oof this kinda smells like the inside of an ogre’s bellybutton
    5. Hey these little dust bunnies are cute
  72. An entire civilization
  73. Teeth
    1. Their own spares
    2. Dragon’s teeth for Spartoi agriculture
    3. Ork Teeth (paid for services rendered)
    4. Teeth stolen from a Tooth Fairy, potent for control magic
    5. From other wizards, won fair and square in bare knuckle brawls
    6. A golden tooth from the mouth of a sky giant–who wants it back.
  74. Handkerchief
    1. Crusted with years of snot
    2. Magically fresh and clean each time it is pulled out
    3. Wrapped into a bandana for when they get serious (or just sweaty)
    4. On a stick and used as a impromptu semaphore or white flag of surrender
    5. Used exclusively for Occult Morris Dances
    6. Tied to an (possibly) infinitely long chain of colorful hankerchiefs
  75. Pen
    1. Reed 
    2. Quill (If intentionally broken it turns into a Roc)
    3. Endless Ink Fountain 
    4. Zero-G 
    5. Glass Calligraphy 
    6. Ballpoint Bic 
  76. A film projector with
    1. An old presentation from wizard school
    2. reels of expertly dissected insect specimens
    3. a lethally boring documentary on pottery
    4. an embarrassing slideshow of photos from the last office party
    5. detailed plans on how to overthrow the government of a micronation
    6. Hundreds of hours of nostalgic commercials from the ’80s and ’90s.
  77. More Anachronistic Tech
    1. A jukebox filled with vinyls
    2. A WWII Gas Mask
    3. An ACN 3505 5# mini portable television
    4. A Walkman
    5. A Kodak Brownie Camera.
  78. Spare Hat
    1. Traditional star covered pointy cap
    2. Umbrella Hat
    3. Flight-Capable Propellor Beanie .
    4. Collapsible Top Hat (with portal to Elemental Plane of Rabbits)
    5. Cowboy Stetson (that can actually hold 10 gallons)
    6. An exceptionally tall toque (maybe inhabited by an intelligent rat)
  79. Taxidermy
    1. Of their previous familiars.
    2. Apothecary Alligator (stuffed with everything from said apothecary)
    3. Apothecary Alligator (animated and/or still alive)
    4. Mice, dressed in various outfits
    5. Of a random monster from a monster manual of your choosing
    6. Their former master’s head (occasionally consulted, always dissatisfied)
  80. Discount Potion
    1. Potion of Healing (Watered Down)
    2. Potion of Enhanced Senses (turns you into a Sensory Homunculus)
    3. Potion of Active Dreaming (Fall into an unwakeable slumber for 8 hours, Sleepwalk/Act Out dreams during that time)
    4. Philter of Dove (Turns you into a pigeon)
    5. Potion of Sliming ( Ooze thick phlegm slime from every orifice, somehow very sticky and very slippery at the same time) 
    6. This is just lemonade!
  81. Dangerous Prank Device
    1. Joy Buzzer (50% of actual electrocution)
    2. Whoopee Cushion (50% of releasing a toxic cloud)
    3. Exploding Cigar (50% of max power Fireball)
    4. Spicy Candy (50% of causing the consumer to breath fire)
    5. Can of nuts with spring loaded snake (50% of swarm of actual snakes)
    6. Squirting Flower (50% to cause severe hallucinations)
  82. Personal Hygiene
    1. Breath Spray (MEGA MINT)
    2. Antiperspirant Stick (A wand that transfers the wizard’s underarm sweat to another target)
    3. Insta-growth Hair Tonic (only works for growing beards and body hair)
    4. Perfume (Different order with each spray, infinite possibilities)
    5. Valet in a Can (summons an extra dimensional Valet to dress, clean, and generally groom)
    6. Magic Eraser (will erased anything with enough scrubbing and elbow grease )
  83. A Sign
    1. Open for Business
    2. The End is Near
    3. A modern stop sign
    4. A Protest Sign (Equal Rights for Uplifted Entities)
    5. A large neon arrow
    6. Something situationally appropriate and witty or desperate
  84. Stolen/Illicit Goods
    1. A variety of stolen and off brand look-alike watches
    2. Pirated orbs of most popular theater performances currently making tours
    3. Deadzone Grenade (creates a permanent anti-magic region)
    4. An Elven Revolver
    6. Smuggled food/supplies for a nearby refugee camp
  85. Staff
    1. Eternally Living/Dying/Regenerating wood, moves through seasons, grows mushrooms
    2. 2m tall thin adamant nail, claimed to have been an ontological anchor of reality
    3. 100 spellbooks worth of compressed paper/spells bound in Petrified/Sealed leather
    4. Fulgurite Rod–captured/fossilized lighting, it is growing millimeters a year as it is still slowly striking
    5. A vaguely scythe-like form made of bone, the Ossicles of a truly gargantuan creature.
    6. A fun stick that the wizard picked up as a child and has never gotten rid of, has slowly absorbed magical essence for untold decades
  86. ______ extinguisher
    1. Fire
    2. Water
    3. Earth
    4. Air
    5. Public Displays of Affection
    6. Slood 
  87. Whoopsie! Their underwear
    1. Heart pattern boxers
    2. Loincloth
    3. Tighty whities
    4. G-String
    5. Long johns
    6. Chastity Belt
  88. Ticket stub from an old concert
    1. Skaldfest 1066
    2. Battle of the Bards
    3. Fate of Faerun Tour
    4. Dance of the Dead, ft. Andres Duvall
    5. Wandstock
    6. Transdimensional Symphonic Orchestra in Sigil
  89. Small housepet
    1. Cat
    2. Dog
    3. Pig
    4. Iguana
    5. Rabbit (with top hat)
    6. Parrot
  90. Giant housepet
    1. Water Buffalo
    2. Camel
    3. Reticulated python
    4. Siberian Tiger
    5. Man-eating tarantula
    6. Utahraptor
  91. Bottle of Moonshine
    1. Black Lightning
    2. Ole Popcorn’s Rot Gut 
    3. “Cactus Juice”
    4. 13th Hour Brew
    5. Scumble
    6. Actual distilled moonshine
  92. Fistful of occlupanids
  93. Manifesto about a weirdly specific ideology
    1. Amitarchy (rule by one’s aunties; elected or otherwise)
    2. Stibiocracy (rule by those with the biggest antimony reserves)
    3. Direct Democracy (but only for people named Todd)
    4. Privatized Production (of saliva)
    5. Punctocracy (rule by those who can take the most punches to the face)
    6. Public Ownership (of the teeth of that jerk from Wizard School, let’s get him!)
  94. A pocket dimension. Eh? Ehh~?
  95. The Pocket Protector(s)
    1. Pocket-themed superhero
    2. High-level adventurer party
    3. An entire mercenary company
    4. Super Sentai Squad (with mechs)
    5. Personal energy shield
    6. Just a regular pocket protector, actually
  97. The wizard’s middle finger
  98. A smaller version of themself
    1. Who then rolls to see what’s in their pocket!
      1. This has the potential to go on infinitely
  99. An entire 10d10 story tall, fully outfitted wizard’s tower
  100. Gnomish Multitool
    1. Adjustable Crescent Wrench
    2. Airbrush
    3. Allen keys
    4. Aspergillum
    5. Averruncator
    6. Awl
    7. Back Scratcher
    8. Ball Peen Hammer
    9. Billows
    10. Bolt Cutter
    11. Bonesaw
    12. Bottle Opener
    13. Bronze Stylus
    14. Calipers
    15. Can Opener
    16. Candle Snuffer
    17. Caulker
    18. Chisel
    19. Clamp
    20. Claw Hammer
    21. Corkscrew
    22. Crochet Hooks
    23. Crowbar
    24. Distaff and Spindle
    25. Dowsing Rod
    26. Drawing Compass
    27. Drawknife
    28. Ear Pick/Spoon
    29. Fan
    30. Feather Duster
    31. File
    32. Fish Knife
    33. Flathead Screwdriver
    34. Funnel
    35. Glass Breaker
    36. Glass Cutter
    37. Grater
    38. Handdrill
    39. Hay Hook
    40. Heat Gun
    41. Hole Punch
    42. Jack
    43. Knife
    44. Ladle
    45. Laser Pointer
    46. Leaf Rake
    47. Machete
    48. Measuring Cups
    49. Metal Punch
    50. Mill
    51. Mini-saw
    52. Monkey Wrench
    53. Nail Cleaner
    54. Nail Clipper
    55. Oyster Fork
    56. Paintbrush
    57. Pencil Sharpener
    58. Philipshead Screwdriver
    59. Pickaxe
    60. Planer
    61. Plasma Cutter
    62. Plumbing Snake
    63. Pneumatic Hammer
    64. Prism
    65. Pruning Shears
    66. Reamer
    67. Rivet Gun
    68. Robertson Screwdriver
    69. Sandblaster
    70. Scale
    71. Scissors
    72. Sewing Needle
    73. Shovel
    74. Sickle
    75. Sieve
    76. Slide Rule
    77. Socket Wrench
    78. Soldering Iron
    79. Spanner
    80. Spatula
    81. Spirit Level
    82. Spork
    83. Spring Loaded Needle Nose Pliers
    84. Staplegun
    85. Tape Measure
    86. Tape Measure
    87. Thermometer
    88. Threader
    89. Tongs
    90. Toothpick
    91. Trowel
    92. Tweezers
    93. Umbrella
    94. Welder
    95. Whetstone
    96. Whisk
    97. Wirebrush
    98. Wirecutters
    99. Zen Garden Rake
    100. Zester
  101. Nothing
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