D2 Drugs?
- Yes
- Gratuitously
D4 Renown
- Local Bars/Weddings
- Regionally Known/Cult Success
- One Hit Wonder/Major Label
- International Superstar
D6 Size
- Solo Act
- Duo
- Trio
- Quartet
- Shifting Backup Band + Crooners
- Full Orchestra
D8 Specialty Groupies
- Heavily pierced sirens with cryptic musical tastes
- A flock of hipster vampires, only into the most experimental of music
- A single three story tall ape (roll 1d8 on the rainbow+Octarine for fur color)
- The Grateful Dead- a horde of chill pacifist mushroom zombies who feed on music
- A thousand thousand feral cats
- 1d100 of the Lead Singer’s Ex-Lovers
- BEES?!
- Illy disguised 5th dimensional intelligences wearing awkward flesh-suits

D10 Genre -Roll twice and combine, duplicates become some -core subgenre
- Rock
- Alt Rock
- Visual kei/ Glam Rock
- Heavy Metal
- Punk
- Psychedelic
- Classic Rock
- Classical
- Chamber
- Art
- Regional Classical
- Marching Band
- Dance Hall
- Art-Nouveau
- Country
- Cowboy
- Bluegrass
- Zydeco
- Honkey-tonk
- Rockabilly
- Traditional
- Pop
- Bubblegum
- Europop
- Synth Pop
- Surf
- Operatic
- Electro-Pop
- Jazz
- Bebop
- Bossa Nova
- Ragtime
- Swing
- Smooth
- Improvisational
- Blues- Blues is the Mother of Jazz, Rock, R&B and others, Blues brings everything back to its older purer form. Double Blues is Blues so deep and so sad that tears flow just thinking about it.
- Electronic
- Drum & Bass
- Dubstep
- Industrial
- Trance
- House
- R&B
- Funk
- Soul
- Gospel
- Disco
- Doo-wop
- Go-go
- Hiphop
- Crunk
- Gangsta
- Golden Age
- Trap
- Freestyle Rap
- Bounce
- Folk
- Protest
- Mariachi
- Filk
- Singer-Songwriter
- Medieval-style Ballads
- Traditional Folk Music

D12 Manager
- TDH- The Devil Himself
- Emelia Von Gothe- ancient vampire countess, figured out how to live on applause rather than blood.
- Deep Flat- A chess AI program that decided music was much more of a challenge
- Zozo- The band uses a Oujia board for every managerial decision.
- The lead singer’s manipulative family member
- A black cat with green eyes and a golden bowtie. Answers to Boss.
- Queen Titania/Mab- One of the Fairy Queens, maybe both
- Gary Oldman- Roll on his Filmography to determine persona
- Mad Marv- former used car salesman trying something new, *slaps lead singer* “ you can fit so many octaves in here!”
- Darryl- Long hair, balding top, stained hawaiian button up, tortoise shell sunglasses. Somehow found and rose to the top of the most famous bands you’ve never heard of.
- Goody Mooncup- Swampwitch, newspaper advice columnist, and, surprisingly enough, road manager
- Theodore “Rex” Grossman- Actually a T-Rex in a second hand suit. No one dares deny him a show.
D20 Quirky Extra Instrument
- Hurdygurdy
- Nyckelharpa
- Dulcimer
- Kazoo
- Phallic Shaped Ocarina
- Saw and/or Washboard
- Spoons/Hameboning
- Contrabass Balalaika
- Glass Armonica
- Wheelharp
- Zeusaphone
- Waterphone
- Pikasso guitar
- Jaw Harp
- Alphorn
- Melodica
- Bagpipe
- Vuvuzela
- Hyōshigi
- Trimba

D100 Quirks
- Lead singer is a skeleton, no one ever seems to mind or point this out. Also plays the xylophone.
- Whoops it was Ska all along
- When their music is played backwards, it is a load of nonsense.
- Jimmy Buffet Cover Band
- Instruments are all “air instruments”, performances are done entirely in silence. At least one member of the band is a mime.
- Add additional niche genre
- Steampunk
- Sea Shanties
- Lo-fi/Chiptunes
- Electro-Swing
- Harsh Noise Wall
- Band wears monstrous costumes, might actually be their true forms
- All instruments are “upcycled” from household objects and vegetables
- Band entirely composed of puppets.
- Only performs Kids Bop style covers of extremely explicit songs
- Band all has weaponized pompadours
- Band Members are all robots, combine into a single superbot for finales
- Band is composed of haunted ABBA-Esque costumes that possess unwary musicians.
- All instruments are Contrabass
- Learned the Pied Piper’s song, uses it to con audiences out of their money
- Lyrics have a 1-in-6 chance of summoning a demon each show
- Their music is, regardless of the content, cursed to be offensive to any audience.
- Band is cursed to never play the same song twice
- Band is cursed to only ever play a single song repeatedly
- All band members are 1d4 goblins each in trenchcoats
- Band vehicle doubles as a food truck for their dayjob
- Used to be world renown, have dwindled into obscurity
- Rock Paper Scissors before each concert to determine lead
- Always performs naked
- Band members all have secret identities, they don’t even know who each other are outside of sessions.
- The drummer is a wild nile crocodile that deathrolls an antelope over the drum set.
- Lyrics are all in a conlang no one’s been able to decipher yet
- Weremusicians- transform into musicians on full moons
- Experimental phase, all music is played via pestering farm animals
- Music all has evangelical messages regarding a random deity
- Lead singer is Max Money, the biggest, friendliest guy around
- Lyrics are so intense that the lead singer must be replaced after every show for vocal cord injuries
- Does not produce vinyls or cassettes, instead produces Injectable Music.
- One Man Band- A horrible magic accident fused the band into a single terrible creature
- Band is made up of holograms controlled by a single programming DJ, at least until they gain sentience.
- The Band knows the secret F Flat chord
- The band has an animal mascot and solves mysteries on the side.
- The band is cursed with immortality and will only be released from this earth once they obtain a platinum album
- The drummer dies tragically/comically (Flip a Coin) between each session and must be replaced.
- The band’s primary mode of transport is
- A giant kangaroo, they and their equipment ride in the pouch
- A semitruck that unfolds into a stage
- A wagon train pulled by very strange steeds
- A huge hamster ball they run in
- A fleet of blood-powered motorcycles
- A cannon
- The band is accompanied by a troupe of tap dancers.
- The band’s most popular song was actually stolen from hieroglyphs found on an ancient obelisk.
- The band was born out of another band’s particularly bad experience with magic psychedelics
- A band member is allergic to middle C and goes into sneezing fits whenever it is played
- A member of the band is a large gelatinous pyramid that vibrates as melodic frequencies
- The vocalist has two heads, both of whom are trained in Overtone Singing
- A band member was the winner of a major televised talent show and then immediately faded into obscurity. Likes to regularly remind everyone of that.
- The band travelled here from the far future and use hideously organic instruments
- The band travelled here from the deep past and take Rock and Roll literally
- One member of the band is an internationally wanted criminal, uses the band as a front
- The band knows why every rose has its thorn and every cowboy has a sad sad song
- The band is composed of individuals who are otherwise superheroes/villains, but they don’t know each other’s secret identities.
- The entire band are transforming magical girls people
- The band makes a bi-yearly pilgrimage to a deep place in the woods where all nordic thrash metals take their album photos
- The band was a bunch of schmucks until they were cybernetically enhanced, but now they’re owned by the Corporate Masters. They sold out to the Man, man!
- Their music skips the ears and goes straight into the brain telepathically.
- All the music is pre-recorded, the “band” just dances and lip-syncs (Oops it was a boy band all along!)
- This band thinks Weird Al is the height of the musical arts
- The band has vowed not to shave until they make it to the #1 spot on the charts.
- The Chosen One is a member of the band, attempting to hide from their destiny
- The band is made up of various historical figures that don’t really fit together (Caligula, Abraham Lincoln, Boudica, and Paracelsius for example)
- The band absolutely WRECKS their instruments during each performance
- The band travels with a huge gacha ball machine that determines what instruments they use each performance
- The band is made up of familiars who ditched their wizards, most their songs are about how much wizards suck
- This band is made up of wizards who were ditched by their familiars, most of their songs are pleas for their familiars to come back because they are terribly lonely
- This band’s music is terrible, but one of their instruments is unknowingly enchanted to cause listeners to dance.
- This band’s music vibrates with a frequency that causes teeth to rattle and loosen. They have a deal with the Tooth Fairy.
- The band plays so slowly that their primary audience are earth elementals and trents.
- All of the band’s instruments are nuclear powered and every time they’re on stage they have a new mutation.
- Their drugs are especially weird and they are totally on 1d6 of them during any show.
- The band was lab grown to be perfect, however are incapable of taking care of themselves in any way off stage.
- The lead singer only ever groans, “I Am Skeleton Jelly,” the crowd eats it up.
- The band’s music incites berserker violence in the crowds, the Mosh Pit becomes a sea of blood.
- Once summoned a lake troll with their music that laid waste to the countryside. Now the band has about twenty years of community service to do.
- Everyone in the band speaks with very bad swenglish accents
- Band is a barbershop acapella group that produces any instrument noises vocally
- All the members of the band but one have crippling daddy issues
- Yoü really feel all the Ümlaüts
- One member of the band demands the band’s genre be referred to by a hyper specific term they came up with, or at the very least be referred to as 𝒜𝓇𝓉.
- A band member is a walrus and/or Eggman.
- The vocalist does scatting regardless of any lyrics that are supposed to be in a song
- Only does bawdy pub songs.
- Includes a calliope in all their music, tends to have a creepy circus vibe.
- The band stands on stage silently and winds up a music box on a pedestal which plays their music.
- The Band’s instruments are powered by
- Love
- Ritual Goat Sacrifices
- Sex
- A small angry man on a treadmill backstage
- Raw crystalized music mined from the noosphere
- The band won a golden fiddle from TDH and he constantly shows up to challenge them again to get it back.
- The lead singer is the preserved head of Orpheus, 1-in-6 chance of breaking into prophecy in the middle of songs.
- The band thinks they can only perform well while inebriated, this is, in fact, completely the reverse.
- The band only performs well while inebriated, but they are currently court ordered to abstain.
- Their mascot is a 30’ tall cybernetically enhanced skeleton that they keep chained up on stage. It only sometimes breaks loose.
- A member of the band is known by a one word moniker
- Roach
- Stab
- Share
- Marquis
- Bash
- Hackt
- Entire band is made up of zombies dressed up like a k-pop idol group
- The band actually doubles as a coven, very Riot Grrrl aesthetic (LINK)
- The band is so-so but their sign language interpreter fucking rocks out.
- One of the members of this band is actually the Prince associated with the genre. They hope to make it big and fight for the title of King of Music
- The Band’s name was stolen by a Witch and replaced with something silly/awful
- All the band’s guitars are provided by a mountain-dwelling nun-punching master luthier of questionable morals and intense convictions. There is exactly one person in this world who will get this reference. You know who you are.
- Generate two bands, they are both composed of evil/good twins and are polar opposites (evil twin goatees and all). If they play at the same time there will be a musical anitmatter explosion.
- Re-roll three times and combine, these are the three bands that make up a super group.
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