For all sorts of Arthropods, not just insects!
by Eugene Gottsnake

1d2 Metamorphosis 
1. Doesn’t Metamorphose
2. Does Metamorphose- Roll again on the table to determine adult form.

1d4 Locomotion
1. Flies
3. Burrows
4. Swims

1d6 What does it eat?
1. Sap
2. Plants
3. Honey
4. Blood
5. Living Meat
6. Carrion

1d8 Size
1. Nearly Microscopic
2. Grain of sand
3. Pebble
4. Half hand
5. Full hand
6. Torso sized
7. Human sized
8. Human Sized+ Roll again and combine

1d10 Number of Limbs
1- Crawling grub/worm
2-10 Equal to number rolled

1d% Number of Eyes


1d12 Method of Defense
1 Pincers
2 Bite- 50% Mandibles 50% Proboscis
3 Venomous Bite
4 Stinger
5 Burning Chemical Farts ala Bombardier Beatles
6 Horns
7 Fontanellar gun- Chemical glue forehead gun
8 Acid spittle
9 Spear-limb
10 Hammer Limb
11. Spines
12. Roll Twice

1d20 Quirks
1. Can lift 20 times their body weight
2. Mimic- Is able to appear as another creature common in the environment
3. Aposematic Display- Colored very brightly as a warning signal, extremely toxic
4. Heavily Camouflaged
5. Deimatic Display- Has a pattern that can be displayed quickly to startle predators, often appearing as large predatory eyes.
6. Eusocial colony
7. Possessed silk producing spinnerets
8. Autonomy- Limbs break off for escape, they grow back…usually
9. Reflex Bleeding- Sprays or leaks foul smelling blood when threatened
10. Multiply the number of legs by 1d4 (1. 10 2. 100 3. 1000 4. 1,000,000)
11. Quadruple its size
12. Dodecachromats- Mantis Shrimp Eyes, see the Ultraviolet and beyond, see magic and invisible stuff
13. Digs/Creates pitfall traps
14. Can survive without a head for 1d6! days.
15. Roll three more times on d12 chart.
16.Parasitic- Roll on local wandering encounter table for usual host
17. Symbiotic- Roll on local wandering encounter table for usual host
18. Mating Fusion- Imprints on a target and fuses to it in order to mate, nominally another of their species but that doesn’t always happen
19. Parthenogenesis- Can reproduce without a mate at astonishing speeds.
20. Roll on the Quirks list until you are bored

By Sandra Duchiewicz

1. Actually feeds on: 1. Dreams, 2 Emotions, 3. Spinal Fluid, 4. Bones 5. Metal 6. Magic
2. Has humanoid limbs
3. Mimics the face of its last victim.
4. Can taste through its limbs, 25% limbs actually are tongues
5. Spits napalm
6. Limbs are tentacles
7. Injects its young into living victims.
8. Can mimic 1d20 sounds including voices/words
9. Lives in an abandoned 1. Shell 2. Skull 3. Coconut 4. Human Detritus
10. Collects teeth for nest construction
11. Biologically Immortal
12. Is actually the larval form of the local variety of goblin
13. Is Telepathic (1. Broadcasts to everything 2. Communicates with other bugs 3. Actually intelligent 4. Connects to a singular host)
14. Is antithetical to other bugs, its presence causes other insects to flee, its touch disintegrates them.
15. Bounces instead of taking fall damage
16.Camouflages as several smaller bugs of different species
17. Killing it causes a localized torrential thunderstorm
18. Doubles its move speed if someone screams in their presence
19. Shell is made of (1. Wood 2. Steel 3. Adamantium 4. Occultium 5. A Face 6.Refuse )
20. Consumes the inside and wears the skin of defeated foes.
21. Can shed its skin rapidly once per day to negate an attack
22. When it molts the discarded carapace lives on as a zombie
23. Is favored by a local deity and killing it causes a 4d6 Lightning Bolt to strike
24. Stomach is a bag of holding
25. Wields a crude appropriately sized weapon
26. Explodes if hit for max damage
27. Its noxious liquid defense spray is a powerful aphrodisiac for one random intelligent species.
28. Is actually a piece of advanced clockwork
29. Is actually a hallucination caused by another bug that bit you a few minutes ago
30. Leaves a permanent stain on anything that hits it.
31. Its droppings are intensely additive narcotics
32. Produces a honeydew/honey that is regenerative in small quantities, mutagenic in large.
33. Is on the coat of arms of a local noble/warlord.
34. Wears a tiny business suit and carries a briefcase. Briefcase contains 1d6 more bugs.
35. Can become completely immovable by locking itself in time/space
36. Is actually a mammal in disguise
37. Capable of surviving extreme temperatures
38. Immune to radiation/magic
39. Buzzing creates an area of Silence (other than the buzz) as far as the noise carries
40. Its sting causes a save or die Disintegration effect
41. Mines, processes, and smelts tiny coins from gold.
42. Is half lion and only consumes insects that otherwise resemble it.
43. Its movement patterns when studied for 8 hours produces a highly accurate augury.
44. Is highly nutritious, a hand-sized portion counts a a ration.
45. Used by the local psychopomp to weigh the souls of the dead against.
46. Bite causes AGONY on top of normal damage
47. Can Voltron with others of its kind, each on adding an additional Quirk and HD.
48. Exists on the same layer of reality as ghosts.
49. Causes a serious anaphylaxis reaction if eaten.
50. Transforms into a completely different bug (reroll everything) every time it is killed.
51. Equal to 1d10GP as a local currency
52. Can cast a random cantrip effect once per day
53. Can cast 1 random spell of 1st-3rd level (or MD if GLOG)
54. Is affected by holy water/energy/relics as undead
55. Is powerfully attracted to holy water/energy/relics
56. Weirdly conventionally attractive?
57. Extreme sexual dimorphism- re-generate bug for male and female
58. Capable of swapping biological sex each molting
59. Can fire 2d6 barbs per day with range as crossbow (damage depending on size)
60. Bioluminescent  (Roll 1d8 for color, 1-7 is standard rainbow, 8 is Octarine)
61. Exists 6 inches left of where you actually see it.
62. Increases local gravity minutely, a swarm can double or even triple localize gravity.
63. Is constantly precognizant of 6 seconds in the future
64. Is immune to changes in pressure (survives equally well at bottom of ocean and void of space)
65. Multiply the size by a factor of 10.
66. Only visible when you close your eyes or in absolute darkness
67. Swarms inhabit dead bodies and pilot them.
68. Creates a paper nest that, when boiled and unfurled carefully, depict a hyper accurate map of the local area.
69. Can be disbelieved and ignored like an illusion or a fairy.
70. Is actually a REALLY stressed human who has transformed.
71. The number of limbs are different every time you look at it.
72. Can teleport 6″ at a time
73. It clicks in Morse code using prosigns.
74. It considered good luck and locals avoid hurting them at all costs.
75. Is actually a fungus zombie ala cordyceps
76. Lays its eggs in treasure, which its young eat when they hatch.
77. It has grease burns and a scrap of street food wax paper stuck to it
78. Is attracted to music and will follow around any tune.
79. Eggs look like gold coins of the local denomination.
80. Eggs ARE the local denomination.
81. Shells are perfect lenses 50% convex vs concave, glasses and telescope makers covet them
82.Anti-predator warning markings look suspiciously similar to caricatures of a party member.
83. Never dies of age, just keeps getting bigger.
84. Its carapace looks like the face helm of a warrior who died here ages ago.
85. Can travel through mirrors.
86. Creates a disturbing amount of sticky green foam when smashed
87. Eats ectoplasm, feeds primarily on local ghosts.
88. Can generate enough electricity to power a light-bulb for a year and a day.
89. Can be processed by alchemists into an edible and combustible oil.
90. Smells like teen spirit
91. Is the last of its kind
92. Is the first of its kind
92. Is a runaway from a local wizard lab and will mutate and grow larger every hour
93. Will instinctively solve any math problems laid before it.
94. Comes from an alien world and doesn’t adhere to normal biology.
95. Shaped like a letter of an ancient language, a colony can be used to decipher the dead script
96. Is secretly a spy for Beelzebub.
97. Collecting 101 living specimens can be traded to a specific genie for a wish.
98. Roll Twice
99. Y’know what? Roll in this table 5 times, that’s right 5. Twice isn’t enough

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